The 2nd Fundraising Art Exhibition 2018 was held in our very KuAsh Theatre where we featured 98 pieces of exquisite paintings from 69 renowned local artist. All proceeds were channeled to our Alam Kreatif programmes for the underprivileged and intellectually disabled children.

We are grateful to all that supported this event which enables us to continue to build a sustainable foundation to provide opportunities to underprivileged children to improve their lives. As mentioned by YTM Raja Dato’ Seri Azureen bt Sultan Azlan Shah, Chairman of Pusat kreatif Kanak-kanak Tuanku Bainun during the event, “What we aim to do is to work towards making a difference in another’s life”.

During the opening night, we had a special Gamelan Performance by our Alam Kreatif children from Projek Perumahan Rakyat Seri Pantai, a collaboration us and Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat Kuala Lumpur. These children are also part of the Children Responsive & Active (CREATIVE) year long programme which aims to increase their exposure towards the Malaysian arts, heritage and culture as well as to develop their inner creativity.