The performing arts of theatre involves the delivery of a real or imaginable event in front of a live audience. It includes tasks such as acting, dancing and sometimes singing. For children, theatre helps them to gain confidence and learn the importance of coordination in order to give out a great performance. At the same time, children can explore their talent by experimenting with various acting methods that train them to appreciate and deliver different characters.
Little Theatre
Age group: 6 - 9 years old
In this programme, children are guided to participate in fun role-plays activities to overcome their shyness in interacting with others. With age appropriate scripts and acting directions by our educator, children in this programme will learn to work together with their classmates to create their very own little theatre.

Theatre & Drama
Age group: 10 - 17 years old
(Available for group sponsored children only)
The Theatre & Drama programme aims to assist teenagers to conquer their stage fright by being bold and confident in delivering their characters in front of live audiences. Within this programme, children get the opportunity to widen their comfort zone and practise the art of live performance in a safe environment so that they can develop to their fullest potential.