Tuanku Bainun Young Changemakers Awards 2024

The Tuanku Bainun Young Changemakers Awards 2024 is finally here! You can now submit your projects before 31st August 2024.

This is an award and platform to recognize and celebrate children and youth in Malaysia who are dedicated to making their society and community better. These extraordinary children and youths work not only inspires their peers but adults alike.

Submit your Community Project that is currently active or was conducted in the last three years to be in the running to be a finalist for the awards this year. It can be an on-going project or a one-off project that contributes to the community or the environment!

Updates for 2024 Awards!

Project Themes

This year, we are looking for projects that covers the following themes: Arts & Culture, Health & Wellbeing, Social Inclusivity, Technology, and Environment. We are excited to see innovative ideas and creative solutions within these important areas.

Award Categories & Prizes

There are 5 award categories this year. The categories and their respective prizes are as follows:

  • Individual Category (6-12 Years Old)
  • Individual Category (13-17 Years Old) 
  • Group Category (6-17 Years Old) 
  • Advocate Category (18 Years Old & Above) 
  • YCM School

New Category: YCM School

This year, we will be honouring a dedicated school with this prestigious award. The prize money will contribute to the school’s students initiatives, improvements to the school facilities & much more.

The Tuanku Bainun Young Changemakers Awards is an annual awards in collaboration with our esteemed partner Women:Girls. You can watch previous Tuanku Bainun Young Changemakers Awards winner and finalists projects here.

We are also pleased to announce that this year’s Tuanku Bainun Young Changemakers Awards is supported by the Ministry of Education. Participants will be eligible for extracurricular marks (PAJSK). Please note that this will only be available to students of government schools.

We are looking forward to reviewing your submissions. For any enquiries, please contact ycm@pkktuankubainun.com

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