UCSI Shoebox Chicken & Duck CSR Project with Yusof Gajah & PKKTB (2nd September 2018)
In early September, we had a collaboration between UCSI University School of Architecture & Built Environment and our Visual Art Educator Yusof Gajah to use architecture arts as a tool to expose Alam Kreatif children to different means and forms of art by sharing their Shoebox Chicken & Duck Project where sculptures of chicken and ducks were created. The collaboration provided a platform and opportunity for children to further develop their creativity and open their minds to different types of art form.

As part of the CSR project, Alam Kreatif children from Rumah Tengku Budriah and UCSI students placed the animal sculptures in the surrounding area of the Centre to further enhance the learning environment. Art activities and singing sessions were organized by UCSI students and Alam Kreatif children enjoyed spending the day with these inspiring youths.