Sisyphus and His Rock features the Season 3 ensemble members of The Teen Theatre Project, a programme by PKK Tuanku Bainun with the support of theatrethreesixty. This is also the final production for the The Teen Theatre Project Season 3.
Presented mainly in English. Sisyphus and His Rock tells the tale of a group of teenagers stuck studying for their last SPM paper. They find themselves confronting their greatest fears around success, failure and growing up. Sisyphus and His Rock attempts to find meaning in the human condition constantly faced with adversity. This production is written and directed by Arsyad Azrai, Head of Creative Programmes
Tickets are based on a minimum donation of RM25. 100% of your donation will go towards supporting PKK Tuanku Bainun’s Arts Programme. If you are requesting a tax exempt receipt, you may collect it on the day of the show if it is ready.
This show is free seating and will be approximately 60 minutes.